After fighting with a Wix template for the better part of 4 hours and getting nowhere close to adding information or pictures, I decided to say screw it and just do it all myself from the ground up.
I'm now at a point where I'm not so sure that was a wonderful idea.
It looks like me, but the problem with that is it's not entirely professional looking, and instead is a little more cluttered than I'd like. I tried using other sites that I visually respect as starting points, but the limits on what I can actually add are... well let's just say it's a free site and you get what you pay for.
However, I am not giving up hope just yet!
Tomorrow is a new day, after a solid night's sleep and peeling my eyes off the screen for now.
Tomorrow is a day free of visits, dinner dates, gallery openings, or cooking (I have an ungodly amount of leftovers and chips&salsa, so I think I'm covered.)
Tomorrow, we finish the website.
In other briefer news, dinner date turned into a mid-afternoon lunch date with Miss Locatelli & we had a wonderful time catching up and drinking wine and eating to our hearts content. She had gift cards and I had an appetite. We were the only ones left in our half of the restaurant after the lunch rush left and the dinner rush hadn't started. Definitely needed the catch up and she is planning to join Jill and I on Thursday for tattoos!
Here's to hoping Dave's day didn't fill up after Jill & I and he can squeeze her in after she gets out of work.
Tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow...
What will you do with your Monday?
1 people like it sassy:
I had sooo much fun with you yesterday, Shanna! And I can't wait to roadtrip down to Binghamton to get a tattoo with you a well!
I'm very lucky to have you as a friend! [A very lovely and talented one at that!]
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