Monday, April 26

Oh Lately

I would load pictures from my show opening but apparently blogger hates me. Those will be up as soon as I'm allowed... The show itself went splendidly and I got a lot of excellent feedback and compliments. I was ridiculously overwhelmed & batshit crazy installing it, and I can't believe my friends put up with me, but I do have a particular breed of awesome sort of friends.

In other news, in the middle of class tonight I asked Locatelli to write a phrase I want a tattoo of on my arm in her handwriting (because I adore it) & after I colored it in after class, this is the result:
I'm seriously thinking I need to just go do it tomorrow. I'm sort of head over heels in love with it & will probably find a way to keep coloring over it until I can actually afford to get it done (oh yeah, and plan on moving out permanently as Daddy will kill me).

Until further pictures, adieu my friends

Monday, April 19

just had to share.

Saturday, April 17

I need you to know

... how much I love being an artist, because it means you have super talented artistic friends. I get such a proud mama feeling when I see their art get such a wonderful response. The first show was fantastic, although I blame Anita for the poor discretion of layout due to Janice's schedule - a whole room of black and white large format photos doesn't quite garner the awe of today's opening, regardless of how beautiful the photos are. There was a buzz today, created by the art alone, that the audience just ate up. I unfortunately don't have photos from the first show as I was too busy to grab my camera, but if some get posted online soon, I'll happily throw a few on here to give you all an idea of the talented photo work that was on display earlier this week.Locatelli in progress earlier this week
Today's opening was of Caroline Locatelli, of whom I am steadily becoming a growing patron and collector of, Kari O'Mara, Ben Rogers, and Megan King. Ben and Megan did these large scale amazingly bright abstract(ish) paintings, Kari had her black and white (and really unsettling) texture photos, and Locatelli had her tv installations in technicolor.
Megan's horses
My personal fave
Miss Kari O'Mara

Burnett zip tv!
Ben's abstract emotion pieces

Buy their stuff if you have the chance to stop in - it's all decently priced and original work. All student work is a huge investment; we're ready to take off, don't you want to be a part of our rise?

Have I Mentioned

That my book is entirely on sale now & you should probably look into owning your own artist photo book? Oh wait.. that's not a question.
Senior Capstone 201...
By Shanna McKay Bowman

Sunday, April 11


Some short notes:

- I am not going to go into details about my last weekend of shoots for Capstone, mostly because I am over it. I have ordered literally everything necessary short of letter stickers for the wall, which I am getting tomorrow morning, and it's all just waiting at this point. I have a week to just do all the work I've neglected in favor of Capstone before I'm allowed to tweak again for the gallery stuff - the modifications for hangers, the actual hanging, the opening, the reception, the defense, the take down, the hopefully selling lots of books because I'm dirt poor.. ya know, the usual. I think $40 is a very reasonable price considering I'm including tax and shipping (as necessary), and it's a 55 page book of art - most artist photo books are ridiculously expensive, even the not-famous-yet ones. All in all, I was glad it was my last shoot, and it went fabulously, albeit the longest shoot of my life, spanning nearly a solid 36 hours when you count drive time and the presentation I had to make about it nonetheless right in the middle.

- Haters are gonna hate though - the same obnoxious woman commented on both mine and Hannah's books on Blurb, which is really strange because she doesn't know we know each other, and she's from France. Like, what the hell? I like my response though:
- I chopped all of my hair off again, this time shorter and more drastic and I adore it. I don't even hate it curly, although I must say I muchmuchmuch prefer it straight.
Likey? It feels good to have an age-appropriate cut with an actual style for once. I'm a big fan.

In other news, I'm still overwhelmed with life. I found my motivation though, it was hiding for a bit there while I attempted to recharge (mild fail.), but it's back. I am good to go now.

Saturday, April 10

This is the draft update from MoMa weekend finally!

The weekend of March 27-28th was so necessary and inspirational.

We left campus at 11:45pm to catch a MegaBus (yes, British style double decker *swoon*) at 12:30 in Syracuse. Traveled overnight with Munchkins, Hollyanne's all gray outfit and "reading" light [more like a spelunking flashlight], and every uncomfortable position imaginable. Got into NYC (exhausted because none of us got "real" sleep) at 5am, hoping to go to a 24 hour diner. Turns out it's not 24 hour. We had walked ourselves a solid 10 blocks out of our way. Found a different one, got some noms, and stayed warm as long as we could stand. Decided to go find Chelsea Market. Turns out that didn't open until 10. Another whole mess of blocks out of our way. We killed some time in a Starbucks were I proceeded to pass out on the table. Best accidental 30 minute nap ever. Jill says I had a creepy smile on my face while I slept - good to know.At 1030 we found our way to the MoMA. Waiting in line for us? None other than Kate "M.F" Sculley - what a wonderful surprise. Three memberships (with 5 guests per) later, we had tickets into the Tim Burton exhibit. It was mesmerizing. I would have been much more intrigued if two things were different: the crowd flow was controlled (too many people, too small of space, with lines of people going opposite directions trying to read tiny notes on doodles and whatnot) and if I had more sleep in me. The work was nothing short of spellbinding, I just wish I had the energy to be more enthusiastic.
Later on, Jill, Kate, and I had gotten sort of separated from the whole group, so we made our way to the Marina Abramovic exhibit. She had both a working exhibit on the second floor where she is directly involved, as well as a retrospect on the third or fourth floor, with others re-enacting her major works. As a quick background, Abramovic uses her body as an artist in her works to emphasize and exaggerate social conditions such as personal space, ego & identity, and the role of women, which then creates a dialogue between the viewers. In my personal opinion, the dialogue is the real art. She also uses nudity to get attention in the first place and create the extra tension with her viewers. It gets people talking if nothing else (and believe you me, there's plenty else). I just found her work extra inspirational and I wanted to stay and participate in her current work where she sits at a table in the middle of a well lit room, and people are asked to sit and stare at her. She never breaks face. It's such an amazing display of willpower, she puts the British Guard to shame. I think it's a comment on how we don't know how to speak to one another anymore. Sadly, we didn't have the time.
I got to show Jill my favorite room in the whole world - the third floor painting room with Warhol and Claus Oldenburg and a doorway facing straight out to a Rothko. It's ... breathtaking. It's somewhere I could sit and stare for... days. Uninterrupted. It pops my heart seams, every time.
From the MoMA, we ventured out to New World Stages theater to see The Tempermentals, but when we got to the theater, we got a better student-rush deal on tickets to see The 39 Steps, a Hitchcock movie-to-play adaption. It was surprisingly funny and the timing was spot on, especially when it was meant to be off. 4 actors playing all the parts, hillllarrrious. Especially when you take into consideration the beverages consumed prior to the show. We had lunch at Blockheads (right behind the theater) - amazingly delicious Mexican food & delightfully priced bevs.
After the show, a quick trip to H&M (and some of the cutest pink sunglasses later), we morosely had to say goodbye to Kate and make our way back to the bus stop at Penn Station. Somewhere between greasey pizza and grouchy NY bus directors, we found our way to our MegaBus home. Somehow we ended up being the last ones on the bus, so we didn't get to sit with each other at all. I had the delightful company of someone staying on her side of the seats without the arm rest divider and just listened to her ipod. It wasn't until we took a break somewhere for dinner that she decided to tell me way too much about herself, including but not limited to the fact that she had to sit in the aisle seat because she has her period. Too much information, I pretended to sleep the rest of the way home to avoid conversation.

Last weekend with Queens wrapping up my capstone might be updated next... since I'm completely avoiding everything else due to no motivation at all.
I really hate that I can't get this to layout properly. I tried Miss Quail's tutorial advice but I can't make it work. I also hate that I haven't gotten anything accomplished today - I had every intention of taking full advantage of a quiet, plan-less day to do homework. I suppose I'll start on that now. I'm flustered for no good reason. People are bitchy, but I'm witty and therefore have the upperhand. On to aesthetics homework I guess. Here's to hoping I can finally catch you up on all the good and busy of my life but right now is not the time unfortunately.

I need a desk post-grad. And a really good office chair.

Friday, April 9

Under Reconstruction!

Will be back to "regular" posting and a decent looking blog after I put this one back together from scratch.
Please be patient with me, like always

Thursday, April 8

More Drag Than You Can Shake a Stick at

Miranda Moreae
Originally uploaded by Shanna McKay

Dear loyal and lovable blog readers - it is reasons like this photo that I haven't been able to update anything of a personal and entertaining matter. I am finally done with all of my edits, with Victoria Versai being the last set to go up tomorrow afternoon.

I've ordered my book (and if you'd like to order one as well, you should probably click the link in the previous post because I will be directly selling them at my gallery show for a slightly marked up price [due to shipping]). Enjoy!! I'll hopefully have time to breathe again and can update something sane and logical and snarky in no time.

Buy My Book!

Senior Capstone 20...
By Shanna McKay Bowman

Tuesday, April 6

True theory

Good habits made fun. I'm in.

Promises Promises

I have so much to update about.
I have so many pictures I want to share with you.
I have so much more work to do before I have 5 free minutes.
I am so nervous and so excited and I keep bouncing between wanting to cry and wanting to drink my face off and wanting to hug everyone with my excited energy.
I'm ready so don't stop.
Gonna be another late night in the a&d, kiddies.