Friday, September 23


This is how I look and feel after a shoot gets rained out for the second time. I need a studio.

I instead went to get stuff to make smoothies because I remembered I had a Magic Bullet in the attic that I have never once opened up since it didn't make the cut of what we needed to move to the house (this, in retrospect, is one of the best accidents ever.)

I might as well be on the informercial, I'm so amazed by how this product works.
 Best invention ever. And one damn delicious mixed berry smoothie.
Oh, and like that nailpolish? Miss Manning sent the *best* post-flood carepackage to myself, Swayze, Casey, & the kitties. It included a brand new bed for Sway, catnip mice for the kitties, Bacardi, tequila in a skull, M&Ms, and this lovely Essie nailpolish (her favorite color):

GPOY for the day: over.


Living on my parents couch, with Swazye. Living, used loosely, but definitely not sleeping. I'm supposed to be sleeping on the couch too, but Swayze doesn't sleep well with all the commotion in the morning (not to mention any person, dog, bike or leaf that may be passing by any corner of the house), and the living room space just makes him bark like a fruitcake. I love the idea of saving some money on not paying rent or utilities, but I'm getting tired of not sleeping in a bed.

I went to a BU concert last night with some friends, all of which enjoy dubstep and dancing, so needless to say, I had a good time. Problem with electronica/dubstep, all that repetition is only enjoyable for long stretches of time if you're on copious amounts of drugs (and firsthand: probably 85% of the crowd was). We got about 2-3 rows from the dead center of the stage which was exciting because I don't usually go to concerts with people who want that like I do (crave, actually, if only for a few songs). 
Witnessed: 2 people doing lines of coke off a drivers license, 3 different people smoking spliffs in the center of the crowd, and a guy with a full-head horse mask on. 
On a solid note: Pretty Lights completely lives up to his name, the light show was delightful.  
I did, however, feel old. 23 going on 24 should not be old.

In other news, a senior photoshoot this afternoon, I'm hoping the rain doesn't ruin it (again) (as it has ruined everything else this month). I am planning on acquiring a vegan diet (not strict) once I move as it's impossible to do with Dads (delicious) cooking. [Note - I get to eat again! sort of nice to no longer be on the Ramen poor kid diet.] but in the meantime, I'm going to move salads into my lunches so I stop eating so much Arbys (you know you eat too much in the mall when the pizza guy starts your order as soon as you walk in, and on the walk back to work, the Arby's manager looks at you all fake-insulted and you have to lie and tell him you were getting lunch for your boss and you brought your lunch. Time for a change.) I need a new tattoo, I'm in serious withdrawl, so I'm looking into getting my side piece before Mexico (2 things in this sentence translate into: I need to go to the gym again, asap) (3 things if you count a few sentences back about all that Arbys). I wanted to get my chest piece next but I don't want to risk it in all the sun. (I miss the sun). I love fall, but I hate all this gloom that just hovers around Binghamton.

(I can't wait for October.)

Thursday, September 8

Flood Damage.

Having lived in Binghamton my whole life, I've never experienced severe flooding in my home personally. Surrounding areas and houses always have, but not my parents' house for some reason. My new house? Underground. Record flooding, beating out the flood of 2006 that left my graduation party one big mud puddle.

We just didn't see it coming. Our basement flooded, and the landlady got the sump pump going and we were fine. At 930, Casey and I went to bed because it was nearly dry again. At 1230, our friend down the street called and woke her up, asking her if we should evacuate. In our sleepy stupor we were thinking of course not.

Thankfully we parked across the street on slightly higher ground or our cars would have floated away. There was no driveway, no road in front of our house, no backyard.... it was all one big river, knee deep. I checked the basement, and watched as our dryer sunk under the rising water, and the washing machine tipped over and promptly sunk next to it. Casey swam/jogged through the basement to the breaker box while I packed overnight bags and the animals. (Side note: this was a hilarious event, as she was doing it in just a tshirt and thong, I couldn't help but laugh at her while I held the flashlight from the top stairs). I took the kitties and Sway to my parent's house, and Casey went with Matt to his parents a few towns over. Last I heard they're fine, and made it back to work at the Children's Home this morning.

Swayze is .. jittery. He took a while to settle and sleep on the couch with me, and when I touched him hend in e jumped a little. The cats... well they haven't adjusted at all and are not getting along with Sousa. He can't stand all of these pets invading his space. Swayze took direction well, and didn't bark or freak out while trying to get across the road, he was my brave little fluff.

We potentially can't get back to the house for days, the emergency travel ban is on an hourly basis with no end in sight. Not sure if I can get home for my own computer this afternoon before the next wave of rain...

On the bright side - we're fine. And sorta dry for the time being. Keep you guys posted <3

Thursday, August 18


I'm re-doing my website!
And I got a couple gig offers!
And a few models are interested in my next gallery project!
And I'm working 40 hours a week at the B, plus another 25 minimum I'm putting in behind the scenes for business!
But that's good because I need the money, I'm going to Mexico in November!!
I sleep really well because I'm always so exhausted by the time I hit the pillow!
And I'm sorry I always ignore this blog so much these days!!
I'm not sorry for excessive exclamation point usage!!!
There's so much to be excited about, I love the fall season; I get reinvigorated to not let my talent and ambition go to waste!

Saturday, July 16

I'm a bum.

Work makes it very difficult to have a life. I'm wiped out after, so I hardly want to do anything most nights. Lately though, I had a beautifully delightful anniversary weekend with my Lady, made some new friends, and DJ'd for my Queenie, Miss Miranda Moerae, at her first MC'ing show gig. Her original music worker was failing horribly, and I happen to be pretty good at it, so I stepped up and she promoted my photo work as well as let me spoon-feed her witty one liners.

Sorry for the lack of life. I made an excellent dinner last night and I took pictures of all the stages, so I hope to have that recipe and update for you very soon. For now though, I'm exhausted and will be snuggling with my puppy for the rest of the night. 
 (LOOK! how little he used to be.)
Hope you're all staying busy, excited, and motivated.

Tuesday, June 28

Mike... I just wish.... No, I'm drunk I'll just stop talking... but really, Mike...? I just wish you had more pants.

Pride Week in NYC. Such a good vacation. I'm going to do my best to keep it succinct and fun in details but frankly, it is such a whirlwind in my memory now. Days keep blending whenever I tell stories to someone.

Jill and I got in on Wednesday ($25 for a 2-person round trip on MegaBus. Heck yes. Book in advance, people.) and met GracieLou at a little Chinese restaurant (it was like China-to-go, very commercial but tasty!) - she had just come from class at Stella Adler, and then an interview with Cold Water Creek (a job she found out two days later she got!), where Mike already works. We hit up the apartment, dropped all our junk, and went to BlockHeads for margaritas and burritos (exactly the meal I crave when getting into the City). Note: originally, this vacation was planned for Provincetown, but when we realized it was Pride Week, we had to change plans because all the PTown gays were obviously in the City instead. Micheal, being silly, accidentally mentioned he wasn't leaving town after all, and got trapped at work for 2 days of our otherwise 5 day vacation. We sent him 'wish you were here, getting drunk' pictures because he should have been there. 
From BlockHeads there was exhaustion. Jill hadn't slept in almost 24 hours, and I was dragging from the constant work of the week before, so we got Mike to just come home (very late) and were going to drink at the apartment and decided against it when we all fell asleep on Mike's bed... except Mike. Who was wired. And sweet enough to sleep on the couch and let Jill and I have his bed for a few days.

Thursday was a blur of rain, in impulse hookah purchase (it's pink!!), Canal Street / China Town / SoHo, the hunt for a cheap pair of footless tights (which, after I finally found a pair, it promptly stopped raining for the rest of the day...), silly bickering, an amazing slice of pizza, and then Mike got out of work to start his weekend at last. We walked towards FIT/Stella Adler (only separated by a few blocks on the same street) and met up with Gracie after her classes to go to the Museum of Sex. Because, why not? Oh and we found coupons.. so that was nice. 
 That museum is sort of amazing. We all bonded over the faces both people and animals make during orgasm, and the cartoons that we probably shouldn't have watched when we were kids (who knew it was all sexual innuendo! it explains so much!) Jekll and Hyde Restaurant was last for the night, and we got to sit by the werewolf mounted on the wall - it was like Chuck E Cheese for parents who really want their kids to watch black and white horror films versus Disney classics. I found it to be a bit corny, when I was solidly prepared to be frightened most of dinner (one of my favorite things is being out of my comfort zone while eating. no joke.) Once I relaxed, a lot of the 'magic' seemed lost to me, but everyone else seemed to really enjoy themselves so there were no complaints from me. 

We didn't end up going out Thursday night, but I also can't for the life of me remember what we did... it was unanimously decided that pants-wearing was unnecessary every time we re-entered the apartment. Up a hill then a 4th Floor walkup will getcha. Come to think of it, I think we watched our version of Edward Scissorhands. And got all choked up.
Friday was spent with Mike and Sammy. First though, before Gracie had to go to class, we went downtown to the Chelsea Market for breakfast. We ate at the Milk Bar, where none of us had tried but always wanted to. Everyone working there seemed very flustered but our breakfast was delicious so, again, no complaints. Fried egg sandwich and potatoes? Yes please. Gracie had to scoot to class, so the three of us hopped the train to the Met and met up (heh.) with Sammy, Jill's cousin. Mike had told us there was an Alexander McQueen exhibit up only until the end of June (nobody worry, it's been extended because it's THAT AMAZING.) and that was not something we were willing to miss - a one hour wait? No problem. 

Did I mention it was amazing? It was amazing. Breathtaking. Stunning. Genius. There aren't enough words. They weren't allowing photography so I had to sneak a few on my phone, they simply don't do justice though. I will remember this show for my whole life. 

From the Met we got some bubble tea, then regrouped with Gracie at a thai restaurant called Room Service. 
 The inside was so much fun! Lots of deep reds, bright purples, stand-alone doors in weird places, and huge chandeliers. I've never had thai so I kept it simple with some Thai Fried Rice with chicken - yum. We were trying to stay under $5 per meal except for a splurge at lunch or dinner, and pairing the good food with Happy Hour was always a goal. Room Service did not disappoint.Then we found a puppy pet store. And hearts were broken. I missed Sway so bad, and Mike and Gracie are lonely these days with their lovers being all sorts of abroad, and there was a solid moment I was sure we were going to turn around and get one. They had names already picked out - Teddy and Cupcake. I look forward to the day they actually get one.

Back home, we popped the Patron I'd brought and we watched the live Senate feed. Another moment I'll never forget my whole life: being in NYC, with my favorite gay friends, watching New York pass gay marriage for the first time. We specifically watched one speaker who was on the fence make the right decision. Shots for everyone! and before we officially went out to celebrate with the rest of the City, I made everyone sit and watch Cuomo's ending speech with me.

 We got all dolled up (even Jill was covered in glitter and makeup when Mike was done with her) and went out to The Ritz. Turns out, Mike only knows gay gay bars in NYC, none that are even remotely half and half. There wasn't even a women's bathroom, I had to pee in the handicapped bathroom because I was not about to squat over a urinal. 

I had worn high heels out, and my feet were dyyying after the club so we had to find a Duane Reade in Times Square and get a pair of those insta-flats for me so I'd stop whining. They're like shower caps for your feet, absolutely ridiculous but so necessary. We got some McDonalds and before we knew it, it was 3am. The subway home was a sleepy trip, and we were out as soon as we walked in the door. 

Saturday saw us all together again (no classes or work! a real vacation day!), sleeping in really late, shopping all around town, and genuinely enjoying the first sunny-all-day day of the trip. We started at Teany, a vegetarian deli co-owned by Moby, and had really delicious sandwiches and soups. Then cupcakes. Cupcakes were the point of the day. We first stopped at Sugar Sweet Sunshine & I had an amazing almond cupcake. Next door was a photo gallery that I didn't mean to escape into without telling anyone, but these things happen. They found me, eventually, and the photos were beautiful. Next to McQueen, I was really happy to have some art in my life on this trip. You just can't go to Chelsea and not see a gallery. I got to talk to the photographer, who reminded me to not get jaded about working as a photographer by keeping my camera in the home, taking photos of my life and the things that keep me going, just for my own sanity. 

I got really pissy in H&M at one point, but all I needed was a snack and I'd perk right back up. We found Gracie's vegan bakery for more cupcakes (I opt'd for banana bread, also amazing) called Babycakes. We got to sit, have some water and rice milk (I'm a convert. It was so delicious and I have dairy problems so this is the most amazing discovery as of late), and I was back to me. We tried to get to Buffalo Exchange but we were five minutes late and they wouldn't let us in. Who closes at 8 on a Saturday?? We found a different vintage shop where Gracie fell in love with a dress (50% off!). Finally, we realized Jill left her shopping bag at Babycakes, so we got some bottles of very cheap wine at Trader Joes, I went to Starbucks to use the bathroom (and get hit on. not what I expected while waiting in line to pee.), then split up so Mike & Jill could go back to get the bag, and Gracie and I could head home. [I just get tired of walking all day long & a little cranky sometimes. I could live in the city because it'd be life; visiting the city exhausts me.] Got some intimate time in with Gracie on the long sub ride home (and apparently Mike and Jill had the same sort of conversation, we compared notes later and I've concluded we're extra adorable). 

That night, instead of going out, we decided it'd be best to just get drunk in the apartment and watch our Rocky Horror. Four bottles of cheap wine out of coffee mugs later (and Gracie sneaking in some whiskey we didn't know about til way later), we were all in our underwear, singing and dancing, and snapping altogether too many pictures [which are hilaaarious]. 

 Then Gracie got sick, I got in Mom-mode, and Jill and Mike tried to make popcorn on the stove and nearly set the apartment on fire. 

Successful night indeed.

Sunday got us up early, found everyone but me with a hangover (Jill's being the most lingering through the day), and we met up with Sammy & Co. at Grand Central to mosey towards the parade route. We settled a half hour before the parade started, somewhere towards the middle of it, and got to be right against the fence on the road. Great spot. I got a huge hotdog, made entendre with the hotdog vendor, and rocked my pin up dress across the street from the Museum of Sex (it was just a real good meeting point). 

[sidenote: my dog is having an insane dream right now; he's all running and twitching and jumping at things in a dead sleep next to me on the couch. So much love.]

The parade was ridiculous! So many people in the parade, it's insane anyone was left over to fill the sidelines and watch it. Cuomo did the right thing (again) and walked in the parade, but you couldn't see him because he was swarmed by photographers and press. There were queens in the highest heels ever (and it was a looong parade, I don't know how they do it.), gay bois wearing next to nothing (unless it was all feathers), and women that, well, weren't really wearing.. anything but makeshift pasties. There were dykes on bikes, freedom fighters, and tons of wedding dresses. Only saw one protester, and he was pretty quite. From the parade, we went to BlockHeads again for drinks and tacos (I got a whole dish of guacamole all for myself. happy kid.) and then the Syracusians (aka the & Co. with Sammy) split to go back home. 

The four of us went back down to Chelsea and found another gay gay bar having a luau - first round of drinks were free but I think the bartender just felt bad because Mike and I didn't have enough cash and actually went to the atm to pay for them. He shoved the $20 back at us. Of course we went back for round 2 after that. 
Everyone was so friendly.
And then we got tired out. And realized we all had silly sunburns. And Jill and I hadn't really packed to go home. So back to the apartment we went, and got our shit together, said our goodbyes, and expertly made our way to Port Authority. While standing in line to get my confirmation tickets home, the girls ahead of us had signed Playbills from A Normal Heart. I couldn't help myself, and had to ask if it was good. They couldn't say enough good about it, and I mentally added it to the list of shows to see this year. I asked if they'd seen the McQueen exhibit, since they had rainbow flags and Playbills, and therefore otherwise had a perfect NYC weekend - they were a bit speechless when I told them, and I think they'll be back soon to see it. 

Red-eye home before an 8 hour shift had its pitfalls, but all things considered, we had a perfect mid-summer city vacation. There are future plans set in motion, and who knows? By April, we just might be there. And by 'just might,' I sort of mean, planning on it. 

I hope everyone else had amazing weekends too, and celebrated a step towards total equality with those they love, regardless of gender, religion, race, or politics.

Thursday, June 9

Inspiration, finally!

Remember these beauties by the lovely and talented Miss Locatelli? They've sparked excitement and inspiration in me that I've been lacking for months now. 
I am going to bring these girls to life
I have a whole gallery show planned out, and I've set a mid-to-late-Fall deadline so I can shoot all summer and print towards the end, and get a show up in the Fall. I want to juxtapose these paintings (as well as others that I've asked Locatelli to collaborate on with me) with photos of girls with the same animal ears, piercings, and hair styles, set in an environment. I haven't figured out my angle yet, but I'm sure I want them to look like fashion editorials when it's all said and done. I want really controlled lighting and sharp, crispy details (read: I need to invest in new gear that doesn't give me Error99's and lenses that are sharp glass).

I got so excited when I started putting it all together that I just had to call up CAL right away, for if nothing else her approval to move forward with her art as the foundation of my plans. She more than accepted and will be working on more lovely ladies for me to work with for shoots in her spare time. I can't wait to get rolling, I'll be making Craigslist adds sooner than later, and finding models to enlist, as well as hair dressers and a stylist. 

(Laura Blue, if you're reading this, have you been creating clothes? Do you have any you'd be willing to showcase for some photos? I want my girls to all have hard edges compared to their soft features, and I think some of your creations would be absolutely stunning.)

That's the news over this way - it's been either terribly hot or horribly rainy for days upon days. The last First Friday had no cheese, no wine, and frankly very few patrons. I was sad to see where budget cuts had to be made, and it only hurts the artists when people don't linger at their art and consider buying. People need to nosh. I also broke down and installed an AC. Oh! And got a leather coat at the Salvy, ordered some studs, and intend to stud my little heart out on a dock by a lake this Sunday. Keep you posted on that little DIY shortly.

Hope you're all find inspiration in life's every day happenings like me.

Sunday, May 29

I have lived 12 lives this week.

Probably more like 15.
And last night was the first night I got a solid, uninterrupted, dreamless night this entire week. My days were starting to blend.

I'm loved and charmed and happy. I've just had an on and off headache to match the crazy weather all week long. It's currently at bay, making me calm and motivated to finally sit and type.
I spent all last weekend not in Binghamton, a much needed break from the day to day of only working and dealing with unending rain. It was beautiful in Syracuse, Ithaca, and then Rome before I drove back to Broome Cloudy.
Spent Friday and Saturday with the Roomie*loves - we went to Daisy Dukes where I got the most insane bruises of my life riding the mechanical bull. Everyone had bruises to show, I'm the only one that still has them, 3 that look like a gigantic Hawaii down my thigh to my knee. What can I say, I made that bull my bitch. 
Saturday saw us to Old Navy for $1 flip flops, Dinosaur BBQ for an early lunch, and then Ithaca Commons for some new piercings and a little sunshine.
This is my very concerned face because I sent this particular shot to my Dad, who inevitably does not like it. It has since healed up a bit, still red around the edges but that should all be clear in a week or two. I love it, and was not entirely sure I would when I got it done. I've been debating a Monroe since high school and I figured I should just get it done and if I hate it, I can always take it out; it was worth it to finally know without question. Laur got her front helix and Casey got her tragus done. All in all, we love Steihls, make it a point to go there for your next piercing.

After some milkshakes and cheeky shopping, Laur and I detoured to the Syracuse Urban Outfitters where I found these on an amazing sale:
They're suede, leather, and over the knee, as well as 2 seasons old so they were marked down from $60 to $29, and fit perfectly. All I gotta do is come to terms with my calves by fall to make them an every day staple. I love boots.

After getting new swag, I found my way over to Rome where Jill had been puppysitting for my weekend with the girls. Swazye and Mildred get along famously - she doesn't hiss and he doesn't bark. All he does is put her entire body in his mouth and she bats at him, it's rather adorable in a slightly dangerous kind of way. We found a walking trail for the dogs and the weather was sunny and warm. I'd almost forgotten what it felt like on my skin.

Also gave Mildred her first bath, in an attempt to get the half a tick still stuck in her out. Just as an updated, I'm awesome, and she's tick-free. And smells like Dawn soap.

Sway and I came back to weather worth building an ark for. It's been nonstop rain in Binghamton for about 2 weeks now. There was one day that didn't rain until dark, but it was humid as hell and all cloudy. We've had 2 thunderstorms and one tornado warning. It was a lot like Twister seeing sideways sheets of rain pouring down the street, and watching trees and power lines fall down all across the county. Some of my coworkers are still without power, and one has a well, meaning she's without water too. It got to the point that I was home alone with the animals and made them all go to the living room just incase we had to book it to the basement. The lightening that followed was pretty spectacular though.

The one sunny-ish day (sunny having only lasted a few hours in the middle of the day) got Sway and I out to the park for a good long walk finally. He's been cooped up because of the rain and it's making us both crazy. Got him a new leash that he took to immediately, and good walks deserve doggie sundaes in this sort of humidity.
And more or less finally for this week, I got talked into going downtown Friday night despite my headache, and had the best curb find ever. I've been looking for a bedside table and dresser since moving into the house. I wanted it to be black to match some of my other furniture, and I didn't want to pay much. Those are two tough details to be picky about, I'm no good at just settling for something, and Craigslist has been no friend of mine. Suddenly, there on the side of the road, was an entire bedroom set. Apparently a BU student moved out and either didn't like the stuff, or couldn't get it home, so there it sat getting rained on late Friday evening. It's black lacquer, brand new, and the set matches perfectly. After loading the bedside table into Casey's backseat and being more or less preoccupied the entire time at the bar, of course I had Casey go back to my parent's house to hijack my dad's pick up at 1am to save the free garbage-bound dresser.

We got to the dresser 2 minutes before the garbage men.
How's that for charmed life, eh?
 My room is so drastically angled towards the door (old settling house...) that the drawers wouldn't stay shut. Men's socks did the trick in leveling it, but I had to share in case anyone didn't believe that everything in our house leans into the center.

The window is open, my fan is on low, and my puppy is passed out next to me. 
 It's a good morning, and I can only hope it'll be just as good of a day. Work is exhausting, and I've been there every day since my long weekend, with no day off until Wednesday.
Can you make it through another long week your way? Keep up the hard work, an adventure will roll around again real soon.

Tuesday, May 24

A Short List Of Things I'd Want If I Had An Upcoming Birthday

(of which I do not have, so really this is just a materialistic list of stuff I simply want but can't rationally afford right now and/or until I become independently wealthy - be honest, we all have one.)

Karl Lagerfeld's latest Coke bottles
Legalize Gay tshirt from American Apparel
Swarovski Crystal Pirates black pearl and anchor bracelet
Urban Outfitter's entire Alice in Wonderland kitchen set
An NYC townhouse to live in with my fluff, love, gays and an actress (with a cupola of course).
 (PS: this website is dangerous and dream crushing. Sort of like my adult version of petfinder masochism.)

An iPhone5 (I have an upgrade available in June or July, but I'm going to be a good kid and wait til September so I can get the newest one, and hope it lasts the longest because this will be the last time I get a decent upgrade for a long time)

But as long as we're on the subject, I'd love a brand new Mac workstation actually... 

A Yelling Bird Squishable because I'm a webcomics nerd.
 and some Batman underthings

This list reads a lot more like the wishlist of a 15 year old gay boy. 
Don't judge me.
What are you lusting over while you live paycheck to paycheck?