Monday, April 26

Oh Lately

I would load pictures from my show opening but apparently blogger hates me. Those will be up as soon as I'm allowed... The show itself went splendidly and I got a lot of excellent feedback and compliments. I was ridiculously overwhelmed & batshit crazy installing it, and I can't believe my friends put up with me, but I do have a particular breed of awesome sort of friends.

In other news, in the middle of class tonight I asked Locatelli to write a phrase I want a tattoo of on my arm in her handwriting (because I adore it) & after I colored it in after class, this is the result:
I'm seriously thinking I need to just go do it tomorrow. I'm sort of head over heels in love with it & will probably find a way to keep coloring over it until I can actually afford to get it done (oh yeah, and plan on moving out permanently as Daddy will kill me).

Until further pictures, adieu my friends

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