Monday, June 7


Just to share, my current (and unextensive) Summer Reading List:
The Underachiever's Manifesto
Slaughterhouse Five
Water for Elephants

If there is a book I should sincerely look into, you should probably suggest it since I am usually out of the loop when good books surface, the major books I enjoy reading were once high school reading sort of classics (that for whatever reason CVHS didn't think it was important for me to read at the time...), and I don't just pick up books to read - I really only read things suggested to me so that I can feel assured at the time that I'm not wasting my time reading something that'll get me no where. 
(I also have a habit of judging books by their covers and skipping them if the title or cover isn't interesting... so it's best if others suggest something for me to sink my teeth into. I am a very bad off-the-cuff reader.)

4 people like it sassy:

Michael said...

Water for Elephants is an amazing book!

jillylif said...

you should probably never...never...judge a book by its cover.

Shanna McKay* said...

So I've heard, I can't wait to start it!

and I can't help myself with covers - I just really appreciate good design for books. Literal books.

Teapots In Tights said...

Slaughterhouse five is a great book !

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