Monday, June 28


Today has been so on and off, up and down, and overall exhausting.

I've been working on my website since 10am. I went back to a template and, again, started over. I got nearly completely finished on the aesthetics and photo placement, and somehow the menu bar vanished on me. Crushed and so upset, I had to leave it alone while I sulked on the couch watching Kardashians. 

With the encouragement of Hannah, I went back and rebuilt the tab from scratch. It's not perfect, but it's close to what I had. I just need it to better connect the pages, and I need to delete some of the obnoxious background photos that came with the template, and it'll be ready to, if nothing else, launch very soon and not be a blank link like it is now.

I gave up on that around 4:30 to rest my eyes and do other work needing my attention, and made a very important phone call. I'm going to leave it at I AM RIDICULOUSLY EXCITED but I don't want to share it in too much detail until there's some serious, solid details. Made 3 more phone calls from there and walked the pupperwoofer after the rain subsided. 

Then thought about the future, and can't snap out of this mood now. 
Could be hormones, but I can't shake feeling down now.
And my site's not done, so I need to get back to that tonight and I just don't want to.
I'm gonna sit here and mope, don't mind me.

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