Thursday, July 16

Fall Schedule

I got my schedule switched around (much thanks to Kim and Zack, who's been endlessly taking care of my "pleasepleaseplease let me graduate on time" needs)
Mondays: Stacked Studio with Tony
done at 2:20, if I go at all

Tuesdays: Jewelry & Small Metals 8-10:50
Large Format with Nige 11-1:50
done for the day

Wednesday: Studio (again, if I go)
Contemporary Developments with Pepper 6-8:50

Thursday (my technically "busy" day): Jewelry, Large Format, Senior Project with Anita 6-8:50

And the clincher? No classes on Fridays. I couldn't be happier, this schedule worked out so well and gives me tons of hypothetical time to work on my photos and perhaps even start up my radio show again - who misses The Mix Tape with DJ Jane Merry? I know I do.

I was attempting internship today but my phone has other ideas. My new as of last week phone completely died on me, and I have already been to the Verizon store once today. I reactivated my old phone, and now this one isn't working. I want and iPhone, and I want it now.

1 people like it sassy:

ms. teacakes said...

see you contemp. and jewelry making!


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