Wednesday, July 1

Commercial Photography

At intern today, I packed folders with samples and went to UPS to pick up the cover letter copies. Tomorrow I finish stuffing and begin shipping.

Also today, I did a pro-bono shoot for the Port Dickinson Police Department. They needed their badges photographed for large cut outs for the station that Mr. Doyle is putting together for them. I attempted shooting them once on the flat blue desktop with awful florescent lights gleaming every which way. After mutually deciding that they were no where good enough to reproduce, we set up today to shoot again, only this time with my ancient studio lights.
The difference was staggering.
I love helping out, don't get me wrong, but it was exhausting because it was so so hot upstairs in the fire department's meeting hall. I have felt cranky all day since, even though the shoot itself was totally fine. This back and forth weather is really starting to get to me.

Margarita time with the fam, obviously.

PS - tomorrow I get to pick up my Brit from KeetKeet and spend two days gallivanting Syracuse and Binghamton with him and a few of my lovies. I am pumped.

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