Wednesday, September 8

Day 1

I thought graduating meant never having to take a 9am class again, but in the efforts of even higher education, I found myself back in a classroom from 9-430 with an hour lunch smack in the middle. 
At least I was cute. 
(although my hair has gotten rather out of control progressively through the day)

Talk about information overload - half of the stuff was super basic, steps I already knew, learned, or even accomplished. The other half was stuff that either didn't apply (complete BOP insurance doesn't apply to me as I don't own or rent realestate yet) orrrr went over my head such as when the two bankers talked (at 10am... I mean really, what do you expect me to absorb before noon? Speakers should always be after lunch.) -- my grogginess aside, they might as well have been speaking Spanish because equity, collateral, and all that jazz was just some head talking making noise to me. I wish I understood it, but I can't say I really did (and I consider myself a pretty smart kid, so believe you me, it pained me to not totally understand even after questions were asked). 

I did manage to talk to them after they talked, and explained how I have little debt (less than $500 on a credit card) but I have no equity such as a mortgage or even a car payment right now... if I want or need a loan for studio space in the near future, would I still be able to get one? The short answer is yes, the long answer involves preparing a business statement & market plan (in the works anyway) and sit down with an accountant and the bank.

Side note on the class - I think I am the youngest, next youngest appearing to be a grad student taking the class in order to solidify a grant for solar panel research (awesome.) and the rest all seemed to be middle aged and either tired of working in their chosen profession for someone else, are retired and want a small independent income, need the class to qualify for aid/grants, or simply have a dream and need the help mapping it out. 
I have the advantages of not having my own family or locational ties, looming student loan debt, or, well, a mortgage. I also feel like I'm a little ahead of the curve when it comes to marketing (no matter how much I fret, at least I'm fretting - some people in the class have given it no thought) and PR. 
All good news. 
I hope next Wednesday is just a little more comprehensive on the topics I really need to know at this stage in the game (an accountant is speaking, so my hopes are already high). 

Such a long day though, I totally deserve a nap.
What did you do today to justify your nap?

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