Wednesday, September 29

Someone Be Proud of My Awesome.

Gif Created on Make A Gif

someone tell me how to save this to my computer now, pretty please?
(amazing photo setup by Miss Manning)

Monday, September 27

Why you won't be hearing from me much in the near future:

Today: Shoot in Deposit
Tomorrow: Shoot for Joe
Wednesday: Shoot for Dad
Thursday: Baby pictures of Harper Ryan & Jer
Friday: Meeting with accountant, dinner with Katie&Scott
Saturday: 2 Senior shoots, edits due the 8th
Sunday: Shoot for Joe
Monday-Thurs: Pick up TinTin before 11am, move into the OlinAm household for a few days til Julie comes home, and basically hole up and edit & update my website and senior shots and everything else I shot this week before Thursday afternoon
Fri (the 8th): 2 more Senior shoots, edits due the 15th

October is looking just as full, with one excellent 5 day NYC vacation that I think I more than deserve at this point with some of my favorite (and most fabulous) people.

I'm going to be doing all I can to work hard, save money, stay focused, and sleep as much as possible to keep myself from getting sick because I clearly have no time to take off. 

Keep checking in, you know I can never stay away for long.

Friday, September 24


My computer hates me today. 
Too many things on the screen at once, itunes blaring, nothing backed up on my harddrive yet. 
Just trying to get everything caught up by Sunday, so that Monday can start the week of shooting every single day, for Dad, Joe, myself, and being able to get everything done this week out in the mail right away. 
I have today until 3:30, some of Saturday, and all Sunday to print Achieve, finish ALL the edits for the Mr. USofA, burn cds, mail envelops, and prep myself for a crazy 3 straight weeks of shooting, editing, mailing on deadlines, and house sitting. 

No complaining, just mildly overwhelming. 
I'm coming to terms with it all, and I kind of can't wait to see where it all goes.

Thursday, September 23


Today was sort of fantastic. 
I'll give you the abridged version: My hometown photog idol, Lindsay Adler, needed an assistant today for her photoshoot with ClearChannel radio dj's, and I just so happen to be friends with her cousin, and even longer story shorter, I was available and she said I could help. 
It wasn't paid (as far as I'm aware...?) but it included a full day of hands on education and lunch at Tullys. 
Long day, zero complaints.
She was so down to earth but fully aware of how talented she is and totally willing to share her insights and knowledge that she's gained (homegirl's been taking classes since she was 13!! and is basically living my dream at 3 years older than me, having just moved out of Owego and in to NYC. Gives me hope, so much hope). We got along really well, and she said when she does a local fashion shoot, she's definitely going to call me up for help so I can check it out for real, as today was more commercial.

Amazing day. I'm a nerd, and a fangirl, and just totally stared and soaked it all in. 
Made some friends, and can't wait for more in the future. 
And all last minute as of like 930 last night ha
How productive was your Thursday?

Wednesday, September 22

Sad Days

Everyone's allowed a sad day right? 
Whether for a good reason, or just a day for feeling awful about everything and anything?
Yesterday was my sad day.
Today is anything but.
Last day of the small business class, and I'm having a great hair day. Those two factors alone make today worlds better than yesterday.
(Yes, this was taken in a bathroom. Sue me, good light, I'm vain, whatever.
PS it was all curled and pinned up and '50s esque til it rained on me... these things happen.)
On top of that, I am getting sushi after class and taking a seafood free Cali roll to Jer, who successfully popped out a beautiful healthy baby girl last night (<3), followed by a gym run with Casey later tonight when she gets out of work. 

I am spending my lunch break at Lost Dog Cafe, where they are having a spectacular lunch special on my favorite 3-course entree for $8, and all the free WiFi to my heart's content.
Can't play online any longer though, this is a working lunch break so I can Photoshop a few more pictures from the Mr. USofA (they're all spectacular, if I do say so myself...)

Hope everyone got their sad days out of the way early in the week too; 
the rest of this week is looking up.

Tuesday, September 21

When won't it hurt anymore?

Just a very frustrating morning. 
I have no room or reason to complain with life, I recognize that, just some things hurt more than others and get me down and then I can't shake them.
No breakdown yet, but I feel one coming on.
Just started getting really busy, both with the business and some side work.
I'm not overwhelmed, just jaded feeling.

Bear with me, I'll be back to normal sooner than later (I hope).

In other news, I have some great shots from the Mr. USofA show at Trexx, and I can't wait to share them but there's an ungodly amount. Today I'm just plowing through the raw footage.
I don't want to think, so thank you LightRoom for being so user friendly and zone-out-able.

Thursday, September 16

Oh me.

This has been the biggest week of learning experiences ever [since Canterbury.]
Caz, you did not prepare me. 
Ok, rather, you tried, but then real life happened, and I sort of used a theory of good will and best intentions over "get a contract," "acquire directions, then make sure they didn't change first thing the morning of event," "look up product specifications first," and of course "being a sole proprietor does not mean you need to set up payroll" (Ok, you didn't even remotely prepare me for the last, but I learned it, nonetheless.)

Good week? I wouldn't define it as such.
Bad week? Well no not that either.
I got to see her, I got to learn a whole lot about taxes without paying, and I did invest in a brand new beaut of a lens. 
Does the lens fit? No. 
Did I fenangle a way to make it work, and then devise a way to sell it again in the near future for one that does fit? Yes. 

So far, tomorrow is intended to be a far better day and the start to a far better week.
I'd wish you all good luck for the same, but I need my luck right now
I hope you understand.

Thursday, September 9


Today's post brought to you by Totally Rad Actions.
So, for starters: go here. They make amazing PS actions to make your photos look like those wicked amazing wedding photographers photos online and you go "huh... I have a great shot here... but my pictures don't all pop like that! I want that!" -- ok, I get like that at least.

With that out of the way, I must say, the actions that you get for the price sort of blow my mind. I don't have $150 lying around to invest in them (sooo anyone wanting to spoil me for Christmas....) but I definitely see how a few of these actions could cut my editing time in half. A few of them do one-over bundled-package edits that otherwise take me hours, such as motion blurs, perfect black and whites, and just general sharp contrasty things. And those are just the usual things! There are neat actions that make photos look solid vintage, all little moves I have trouble getting just right because it's not like we were ever taught to make things look fun... just how to look "right." 

Having actions would make my workload come out looking uniform, something I've noticed I struggle with, so I'm thrilled that there are a few free samples on the site for me to dick around with until I can afford the whole set. 

Thank you, once again Miss Elsie, for showcasing an amazing product to make my life a little easier and a lot cleaner looking.

In other news, I'm playing all around with Eliz's photos anddddd I booked a whole bunch of mini shoots for Joe and gah! This photo life... it happens! It's mine! 
Finally, because my bank account was getting.... rather dangerously low.

Wednesday, September 8

Day 1

I thought graduating meant never having to take a 9am class again, but in the efforts of even higher education, I found myself back in a classroom from 9-430 with an hour lunch smack in the middle. 
At least I was cute. 
(although my hair has gotten rather out of control progressively through the day)

Talk about information overload - half of the stuff was super basic, steps I already knew, learned, or even accomplished. The other half was stuff that either didn't apply (complete BOP insurance doesn't apply to me as I don't own or rent realestate yet) orrrr went over my head such as when the two bankers talked (at 10am... I mean really, what do you expect me to absorb before noon? Speakers should always be after lunch.) -- my grogginess aside, they might as well have been speaking Spanish because equity, collateral, and all that jazz was just some head talking making noise to me. I wish I understood it, but I can't say I really did (and I consider myself a pretty smart kid, so believe you me, it pained me to not totally understand even after questions were asked). 

I did manage to talk to them after they talked, and explained how I have little debt (less than $500 on a credit card) but I have no equity such as a mortgage or even a car payment right now... if I want or need a loan for studio space in the near future, would I still be able to get one? The short answer is yes, the long answer involves preparing a business statement & market plan (in the works anyway) and sit down with an accountant and the bank.

Side note on the class - I think I am the youngest, next youngest appearing to be a grad student taking the class in order to solidify a grant for solar panel research (awesome.) and the rest all seemed to be middle aged and either tired of working in their chosen profession for someone else, are retired and want a small independent income, need the class to qualify for aid/grants, or simply have a dream and need the help mapping it out. 
I have the advantages of not having my own family or locational ties, looming student loan debt, or, well, a mortgage. I also feel like I'm a little ahead of the curve when it comes to marketing (no matter how much I fret, at least I'm fretting - some people in the class have given it no thought) and PR. 
All good news. 
I hope next Wednesday is just a little more comprehensive on the topics I really need to know at this stage in the game (an accountant is speaking, so my hopes are already high). 

Such a long day though, I totally deserve a nap.
What did you do today to justify your nap?

Monday, September 6


I start the small business class I signed up for Wednesday morning (ha! schooling! go figure. I just want to know stuff.). Tomorrow is dedicated to working on my branding and wrapping up the last of old biddness (mail the wedding [just got the address Sunday], edit Erica's home photos, and edit Eliz's preggers shoot so I can finalize photos for my website). 

I was reading a post on Promise Tangemen's blog (she's amazing, fyi, so check her out for more than her recent post please) and realized I don't know where to start with creating my own vision, but the last thing I want to do is copy someone else's branding visions; I need to figure out where to start for myself. 
I have the following intentions:
- doodle. & dick around with fonts because I'm a typography nerd.
- go through some old business notes from class (just in case I missed something).
- Flip through my misc folder on my computer, containing every inspirational photo I've stumbled upon in the last 2 years, and see if they've got correlations I can work with.
- Go through the 3 questions list my SB councilor gave me to establish a "business plan foundation" so I have somewhere to really start.

...and I need to optimize about 45 photos at least so I can finally update my website. She's a struggling corner of the web, to say the least. 
I'll be working hard, it's a Tuesday, those are my non-photo-taking biddness days, and I need to champ it. 
Here's to motivation!

In other news, I've become obsessed with Craigslist, just perusing.
In other other news, Laur & Christine just adopted the cutest baby barn cat piece of fluff ever yesterday. Romeo Moolenschot. He's a stud. 

Saturday, September 4


I'm going to give you the briefest of stories on such an epic night, as best as I can. 
Read set go:
Last night started with 630 sushi and bubble tea with Kevy, Mikey, Zoe, and Jill - it was Kev & Zo's "going away party" that, if I wasn't home, was being thrown for them by them and attended by them alone. Kev is traveling cross country couch surfing and Zo is headed to China for one of those teaching position things. 

Post soosh, Jill and I headed down town Bing for the end of the Art Walk before the galleries closed. We caught some good lookin assemblage pieces and visited with Ethan at The Cube (where we also gathered some little gifts for a future Kate M.F. Sculley care package). 

From State St we wandered back to Lost Dog for an appetizer and "a drink" with Miss ElBotting that I hadn't sat and and caught up with since high school. She's still a hoot. Several drinks later, along with her friend Ann (Anna? I don't remember exactly), Jill and I were going to just go home, but we were coaxed into going to Tranquil, an outskirts of the city bar that I'd never been to, and they were clearly regulars. 

Tranquil is located right behind Binghamton Met's Stadium, and because it was Friday, there were fireworks. They were fantastic and the night was so beautiful - not buggy, or too hot, or even too cold, just a clear night with fireworks. ElBot stole me a wicked cute tiny salt shaker, and bought a pitcher of Yuengling. We grabbed a table outside and enjoyed the night and continued to catch up on everyone we remember from high school. Tony text'd and wanted to join us. 

I don't remember how it happened or how it came up, but out of no where we all decided that we'd never been a strip club, yet two were right up the road from us. Therefore, we grabbed Tony and hit up Tzers and Madame Oar's. Free for us, and even though we played the gay boy card, he still had to pay $10. The actual pole dancing was really impressive, but the girls... pass. Mostly butterfaces as far as I could tell. El & Ann got motorboated, and Tony complained that the girls' "straddles" could and should be a lot better if they just stretched every day

From there, El dropped me off at my car back downtown, and I was going to just take Tony home but I realized it was going on 3am and I was starving. While heading to The Spot, I got pulled over on Front Street. I knew I wasn't speeding, so I was completely unthrilled by the situation. The very polite officer told me my headlight was out. Awesome. 

After a series of super unforuntate events, I awaited his return to my car with my information, and the streetlights are hitting my windshield just enough for me to see a big ol spider crawling across my windshield (rather quickly actually) towards my open window. As quick as I could, I turned my car back on and did my best to hurry the automatic window up, but to no avail. I'm already concerned that the Officer probably thinks I'm trying to drive off by how fast I whipped my car back on, but now I'm geeking out that there's a great big spider somewhere in and around my area of the car... and I'm in a skirt (with an earlier situation going unmentioned for couth). 

Now the Officer is at my window, and I have to quickly explain what just happened - all I really get out is 'Iamsosorrybutnowthere'sahugespiderinmycarthatjustcrawledinthroughthewindow!!!' and, I kid you not, the Officer leaped back away from my car like the spider was about to get him. My geeking was obviously worthwhile. Thankfully, he just gave me a "fix it in 24 hours" ticket and ignored the fact that I clearly had other issues last night.

Angry that I got a ticket just for trying to feed myself, I continued to the diner with the kids anyway even though I'd completely lost my appetite by now. Tony and Jill sensually ate fries. They shared some moments. It was adorbs

Took Tony home and promptly called it a night (morning?) by 330-4ish. Slept for about 4 hours and took my car to deal with the headlight before the post office closed this afternoon. Went back to sleep for a bit, then got Applebees & trounced around the JC Field Days for about 10 minutes. Today's for taking it easy. 

So, recap for those of you who didn't read all that: sushi, bubble tea, ta ta for now's, art, booze, drove El's car, more booze, stolen salt shaker, fireworks, reminiscing, Tony, strippers, pulled over, one spider that is no more thrilled it's trapped in my car than I am, no real ticket, egg and cheese on a bagel, and sleepytime. 

Saw a free Lady Antebellum concert on Thursday, just by the way. It had perks, but the experience was rough til the actual concert. However, I did win a Domo, making up for the Aerosmith concert / Fair sitch.

I might post pictures later, but there isn't a whole lot to share.
Too busy making memories than to take pictures.
Hope you're making some good early fall memories too.