Friday, July 31

Help Wanted:

I want a one-stop shop for basic apparel.

I need long but fitted (read: makes my boobs look good but doesn't cling to my stomach) tshirts, henleys, and light, layerable long sleeves.
I also need zip up hoodies that won't shrink and that are warm but not super heavy material.
I'm also looking for jeans that are a light dark wash (read: not acid-was white, not Hollister baby blue shit, not dark denim, but denim that looks like it may have been dark once, but now it's faded to that nice inbetween but not totally faded blue wash), and fit in my hips, flared just more than bootcut but not so much to be "flare," don't drag and fall apart under my hells, and don't become baggy by the end my morning class.
And pockets. Lots of them.

Plain boring basic colors, none of this embelishment stuff and no more mass-produced screen prints. No more comic book heros (I only read webcomics and I'm enough of a dork that I don't need to lie and pretend I really care about Batman any futher than enjoying the movies over and over again), no more bands (particularly 80s) I don't actually listen to (all of the concert tees I've ever gotten are currently being made into a tshirt quilt, short for the Paramore tshirt I got this summer, because it's still amazing.), no more political slogans (I couldn't carry a formal political discussion if I wanted to), no more sarcastic or witty sayings (I have enough of my own, thank you, and I don't need you to read my boobs to get my humor), and no more Harvard/Yale/UNC bullshit; I go to Caz, and if I wanted my tits to advertise for my college every day, I'd wear one of the million free unfitted awesome ones I get every year for being an over achieving joiner. If I wanted it to say one of those colleges, I would have at least applied there. Oh, and one more thing, no more of these "name brands" that just scream "I have no sense of style because I was raised in a suburban mall."

I may not have a stellar style, but at least I know what I want to wear, and it's not something I'm finding anywhere around here. I need a shopping spree in NYC, or better yet, to just get back to Camden Town in London where I fell in love over and over again with everything I saw, but couldn't afford.

Not like I can afford anything now, but I'm just saying, if you know somewhere online even that won't cost me an arm and a leg to update my wardrobe, that'd be fantastic. In other news, I'll be at the Salvy next week, doing a drop off (because I'm too lazy to have garage sales) and hopefully find some gems.

Wednesday, July 29

Interning at home today

Today I researched and contacted the Port Dickinson Civic Association. We shall see if they want my services.
In other news, I enjoy webcomics of the snarky variety. Some of my favorites include xkcd, questionable content, and girls with slingshots. I have read them all. The characters feel like friends. I am a nerd.

I am officially over my amount of intern hours, but I still have a few weeks to kill and some sales to make. I have not earned my camera yet, so there's still time.

In other news, I need something to get excited about again. The steampunk excitement wore off almost as soon as it started because of getting my schedule changed; I'm holding off on using my precious pieces until I learn definitively how to make them excellent. I'm dying for more tattoos but I'm sadly broke broke broke, and I want to work out more before getting more (but that also requires being at school for the use of equipment and the pool). I need some inspiration to get me through the last few weeks of summer.

Tuesday, July 28


My hamster died yesterday. I had two, and Bacon was the first ever. Regardless of how much he tended to bite my friends, he loved me, and frankly that was all that mattered to me. When I was going through a crisis with my living situation Fall of Sophomore year, I just snapped one day and made Hannah drive me to the pet store and I left with my white & tan fancy dwarf hamster. I don't know why it works, but I'm 100% positive that pet therapy can bring anyone back from the dead. I know when I'm on my deathbed, if someone brought me a puppy to just fall asleep in my hopsital bed with me, I'd hang on for another year.

I needed a friend, I needed someone in the room with me when I fell asleep at night, and Bacon was that and more to me. He made people smile, me the most, he was an escape artist that never actually succeeded, and he was my good feeling. I needed something soft to let me take care of it and love it and pet it, and he fit the bill. Kyle even chastised me later that night I got him with a phrase that will stick with me forever: "You can't go buying a hamster every time you get stressed out." Not that that stopped me from getting Eggs a few months later.

I remember one day I was in the shower in Hubbard and we had a fire drill. I ran from the shower, threw on my bathrobe over my wrapped towel, and immediately grabbed up Baky and hid him in my pocket. When RAs checked my room, they were none the wiser. From that point on, I made sure Amy (my RA across the hall) always knew he was there, so she would be the one to check my room and not get me in trouble. She always did have a soft spot for that little furball.

Sarah Manny did too. She hammie-sat the Baconator for me when I went to Canterbury, and took fantastic care of him for me. She was never afraid of his chompers.

After Bacon attempted living with Eggs, babies were made (although they probably were not Bacon's after all) and the entire breakfast clan had to be separated. Benedict, Waffle, Eggo, Brekky (aka Breakfast), and Patrick all moved on, and I was left with my two little fluffy loves.

After a saddening fall over winter break, Bacon was never the same. He was slow, twitchy, and breathed really hard. About a month ago, I knew he wasn't going to be with us much longer. He just wasn't eating or drinking properly, he sat up in my hand and didn't move when I held him (definitely not like his nature), and he opened his eyes very slowly to the point I was sure one was stuck shut at one point. I am glad he's not in pain anymore, and I know it was for the best, so I can't be sad.

"He's just a hamster, they don't live long, they're cheap and easily replacable." Yeah, sure that's true, but he was my hamster. He made me happy at a time when I was confused, miserable, and sad. I couldn't be more thankful for that little furball.

Thursday, July 23

True Story

I yanked this from this fantastic photographer's personal blog, just to share because it is so true, and so fantastic. She found it elsewhere, at a site I know nothing about.

"I had a similar conversation while at my hair salon recently. And it was MY STYLIST that set everybody straight. She said, holding up a pair of her professional scissors, "You can trim your own hair. Or you can have your mother trim your hair. Or you can come here and have me trim your hair, style it, make sure it gets washed and conditioned properly, have options such as highlights and updos, and when you leave you know without a doubt that you're going to LOVE your hair."

Then she added, "Do you see these scissors?"

Everybody nodded.

"Julie," she said, "how much does a pair of normal, everyday scissors cost you?"

"Uh, I don't know. Maybe $10 if they're pretty nice ones?"

"This pair of professional scissors I'm holding cost me $400. And I have to replace them about every 3 months. But Julie here doesn't want you (pointing to one of the customers) to be the one holding these scissors. She wants me because I know what I'm doing."

And she added, "Professional services by trained, experienced, talented people COSTS MONEY. For your money, you get more than just a body holding a pair of scissors, or just a body holding a camera."

I am getting paid for the commercial photography shoots after all, and when I told my client how much it was going to cost them, I got an odd look of "wait, what? Well.. ok I guess."
6 total hours of shooting, editing, REshooting, more editing, and delivery is not cheap.
I was under the original impression that I was doing the work pro-bono. If you want to pay me, you're going to pay me my going rate, not just $50 because you think that's all it should cost.
And, to be fair, I still charged less than I would have if I was working with a human being; the fact that it was commercial photography made it a little easier (although I suppose that depends, I had to single-handedly do all of the work because my subject wouldn't move itself when I needed it to).

In other news, it's been a very slow interning week.
I am going to Caz tonight to celebrate Mama Casey's 21st and I couldn't be happier.

Monday, July 20


I've taken a few days off from blogging, as I have had nothing to chitchat about in particular, and haven't done much as far as internship.
Casey's birthday is Thursday, so I will hopefully be making a Cazenovia appearance... I need to get an LBD in the meantime, as mine no longer zips.

I am rather boring as of late. No projects, no photos, no news.
A livlier blogging experience should be approaching.

ps - this lady right here just got a new pug puppy, and I have never been more jealous in my life. Ok, I have been, since Hannah just got her new D5 a few days ago too. In spite of sounding selfish and a 4 year old: iwantiwantiwant.

Thursday, July 16

Fall Schedule

I got my schedule switched around (much thanks to Kim and Zack, who's been endlessly taking care of my "pleasepleaseplease let me graduate on time" needs)
Mondays: Stacked Studio with Tony
done at 2:20, if I go at all

Tuesdays: Jewelry & Small Metals 8-10:50
Large Format with Nige 11-1:50
done for the day

Wednesday: Studio (again, if I go)
Contemporary Developments with Pepper 6-8:50

Thursday (my technically "busy" day): Jewelry, Large Format, Senior Project with Anita 6-8:50

And the clincher? No classes on Fridays. I couldn't be happier, this schedule worked out so well and gives me tons of hypothetical time to work on my photos and perhaps even start up my radio show again - who misses The Mix Tape with DJ Jane Merry? I know I do.

I was attempting internship today but my phone has other ideas. My new as of last week phone completely died on me, and I have already been to the Verizon store once today. I reactivated my old phone, and now this one isn't working. I want and iPhone, and I want it now.

Wednesday, July 15


My personal list of complete albums that have changed, inspired, or otherwise stuck with me for life. Never skip a song, they're all too good. I could listen over and over and over again, never get sick of them.

Jimmy Eat World: Futures
James Blunt: Back to Bedlam
Something Corporate: Space
Kenny Chesney: No Shirt No Shoes
Jay Z: Black Album
Jack's Mannequin: Everything in Transit
Eric Clapton: Unplugged
The Eagles: Hell Freezes Over
Dave Matthews Band: Everyday & Busted Stuff
Third Eye Blind: Third Eye Blind
Little Big Town: The Road to Here

In other news, I did 2 hours of sales research for internship, and I am now commencing on cleaning my entire room. I'm not happy with the thought that when I go to school in the fall, I have an entire second life still in my room at home. I have so much stuff to get rid of, I'm sure a Salvy run will be in order.

Tuesday, July 14


This has nothing to do with internship, first things first:

I have taken up a new hobby. I am going to attempt to make steampunk jewelry out of gears and clock pieces and other delightful little things such as these:

(all can be searched at under "Steampunk," and there are plenty more where those came from, they were simply my favorites off the first two pages.)

I am in love with everything about them. The intricacy, the movement, the shine, the history. Head over heels. I got a start today by investing in some antique pieces to begin my experimenting.Once again, I stopped in at Old Odd and Unique, explained what I was looking for, and he immediately dumped a bag of gears and non-Quartz watches on the counter. I got myself some old keys, and I'm in looove with a few of the small pieces that still spin and turn and crank. I feel so creative and energetic about this whole project, I just don't know where to start.

I love the guy who owns OO&U, he told me he'd keep an eye out for more of these sort of things rather than full watches that he can actually repair and resell for a profit. I just want the parts, and don't want to demolish anything he can resell. He's willing to cut me good prices, I can't imagine taking his actual sales from him for those intense antique collectors.

I am also attempting to get into the small metals / jewelry class. I was enrolled first, then dropped it to pick up two other classes (one being glass works... which I'm not feeling so hot about now). But... now I'm thinking I'd like to actually learn how to make this stuff, not just follow online tutorials if I can help it. It's a good place to start, but I'd like to really truly learn something. I shot Kim an email, even though the class is full, to see if there's chances she can pull strings for me.

I also stopped into The Mad Hatter antique shop on Clinton Street after intern this morning, and after noticing how fantastically put together all of the rooms of furniture and goods were, I asked the owner if I could come set up lights and bring in models some time. She told me absolutely, so of course I'm stoked to book some models for fun!

As far as intern goes, I did data entry for an hour and a half this morning, and then had a business lunch with our "sales associate" so to speak to figure out who he's pitched sales to, and who I need to contact. I am working on sales with civic associations in the local areas, and football (pop warner) associations throughout the Central New York area. I am starting on those first thing Thursday. I'm finally getting into the grit of it, and I'm pumped.

I am feeling positive, creative, upbeat, and truly happy for the first time this summer.
I hope it lasts.

Friday, July 10


Among other reasons, I left Sears because I was offered an upgrade in my internship. Not only will I be interning at Cycle Shots LLC, but I'll be coordinating shoots and sales with Park Studio, a cousin-esque photo processing and shipping company based in Walton, NY. When working with and for Park Studio, I'll be picking up more hours (not that my intern requirements aren't basically fulfilled as of now) and I'll be making some money, as this will be paid work on top of basic interning. I'm pumped.
It's Friday though, so today I do not intern. I am going to finish the flamingo because it's beautiful out and I need to paint the details in black still. Other than that, I have a free weekend finally to do whatever I want and hopefully the weather will cooperate.

Dani's bridal shower is tomorrow too, so a mini road trip to Marietta and I get to see some of my Caz lovlies. I'm crossing fingers for a good trip.

Thursday, July 9


This is just a hello. I have nothing important to say, and felt the need to show how my hair looks when I do it myself. I still can't manage to take a good color picture, so this is all you get.

Hope everyone is having a lovely day - I'm going to go enjoy the sun with my boy now =)

Wednesday, July 8


It's not really this dark (it's much redder), and typically never this straight. When I do it myself and have better light, I'll update you again. I just wanna show off my new bangs; they start very far back and towards the center of my head, and I've never done them this way before.

I've needed change. This is a great first step.
New tattoo soon? May be my next necessary change...

Tuesday, July 7

The first day of Moving On

My physical outlook needed to reflect the confidence I was fighting my insides about.
I curled my hair as if I was putting on armor.
I did my makeup as a warrior would face paint.
I wrote the letter, I made the call, I spoke with my boss.
And I gave an accidental two week notice, but one under terms I can handle with grace, maturity, and respect.
No more Sears for this kid.

Monday, July 6

Regal Troubles

My Buick, all 18 years of her, took a huge shit on me.
On Thursday, when I took my mom's car to get Jake and do all that long-distance driving, Mom called me to ask if my brake light had been on when I was driving it. I said no, and jokingly "did you break my car?"
Well, yeah, kind of.
It wasn't her fault, it was just ironic timing (and thankfully I didn't try to take Miss Delaney to PA, cuz we would have never made it) - my rear brake lines are leaking everywhere and almost completely in half.
They can't be completely replaced without then replacing all of my gas lines due to how rusted they are to each other.
On top of that, the entire underside of my car is rusting out, so even replacing those lines could cause more damage to the carriage of my car.
Firestone told me the repairs would cost me a minimum of $1000, but could be more like $2500. I bought my car for $1000, almost 2 years ago now. It is not worth replacing when it'll cost more than the car itself is worth.

So I took it to an independent mechanic, hoping he can fix the one major broken line, and I can squeeze a few more months out of my car, just to get to and from work. Once I'm back at school, I won't really need my own car for a few months, so investing in one now seems like a waste when what I really need is a new camera.

I'm just mad. I can't get to work without a car. If I don't work, I can't afford another car or repairs. If I don't have a repaired car, I can't get to work to make the money to get the car repaired in the first place. I hate money.

Poor Miss Delaney, may have finally met her match.

Friday, July 3

Massive Entry -- You've Been Warned.

Eventful two days!!
Yesterday, I drove just over 2 hours almost entirely in the rain to Allentown, PA to meet Keets and Mel, grab some lunch at Panera, and grab Jake Withastar for my short precious time with him relaxing in central NY.
Before hitting the highway back to NY, we stopped at Barnes and Noble for a bathroom break and some manga available elsewhere than the English black market. A happy Jake indeed, even if you do have to read them backwards, which I found endlessly confusing.

There was major construction. The drive home took 3.5ish hours. Big huge boo.

After we finally got to Caz, I officially had a headache from the eyestrain involved with driving with shit vision, and couldn't wait to just stop being mobile for a moment. Hannah met up with us at Will's apartment (which is adorably college-student-esque) to get some Ren Fest starter clothes from me for her upcoming summer gig (which I'm insanely jealous of). She brought my hat box, I couldn't have been more thrilled. It is much much larger in real life than in my cellphone photographs, to say the least.And thanks to Christina's suggestion to walk barefoot on the boardwalk on Jake's first full day in the US, he has had to bandage his feet up since. Apparently they were ripped to shreds, and thankfully they're not as repulsive today.
From there, a Target stop, sushi in Fayetteville (thank God Will drove), and bubble tea in Syracuse.
I prefer my bubble tea with milk (yay frothy goodness) and sans bubbles, but that's just me. The rest of the night was full of Will and Jake pondering what exactly the tapioca balls tasted "just like...!!" I think it was decided that they were the consistancy of the outside of jello, where it's just a little stiffer than the rest. We also decided that flavored tapioca balls are going to be the future of bubble tea. If you steal this idea before we patent it, all hell will break loose.
After our healthy and exotic escapades (little to no help from the gps), we settled back into Will's for Ghostbusters on blu-ray. I promptly fell asleep on the couch, missing out on the entire blue-ray experience. I imagine it's pretty glorious though.

This morning, we got to wake up whenever we felt like it, and Will, being quite the proper host, made us wheat pancakes, scrambled eggs, and fresh strawberries with a cream cheese fluffy drizzle that was supposed to be our dessert the night before, but the blender had failed to wHip it properly. No harm no foul if you ask me, it was still rather delish and probably the best breakfast I've had in quite a long time (and specifically anywhere outside of an IHOP or the Linck for Sunday brunch).

The rest of today was spent attempting to Top Up poor Jake's phone (a huge fail by the T-Mobile and FYE at the mall, and a total win by Hannah), fending for my life and some veggie hotdogs at Wegmans (which, by the way, is like WalMart on Black Friday the day before a major American picnic holiday and by far the scariest place on earth today), finding out the carousels were closed due to rain and ruining our original plans, and changing them to simply checking out the random treasures of Binghamton indie and antique shops. Tom's and Old Odd & Unique were full of everything I'd hoped that would make my guests smile - the lighter side of Bing, if you will. Jake found himself some solid reusable chopsticks, a NY license plate, and one other thing for his father, Gracie got an excellent deal on a few rings, and I got my gun insides:
It's not the exact same one, but when I mentioned that the one I had been eyeing before was gone, the sales clerk (who is just jolly and helpful) popped a different one out from behind the counter, telling me that if I wanted it for $5 right then and there it was mine. He could tell I was finding this a little strange, so he went on point to another guy in the store, and told me he bought the last one and had been asking about more, and "he doesn't need them all anyway." It was cute, I was thrilled, and then we headed home for my dad's always fantastic bbq.

Chicken speidies for the meat eaters, and Morning Star "Original American Veggie Dogs" for the "vegans.. and I understand the difference between vegetarian and vegan, but vegan is just so much easier to say" - Dad. Sam Adam's Summer Ale and fresh corn on the cob. yum.

Lastly, we headed to State Street for July's First Friday. We popped into a few galleries, but like before, the Orazio Salati Gallery I & II was still my absolute favorite. In Gallery I, he was showcasing an artist named Joe Lockwood who does metal working like I've never seen:

Then we had to get Jake on his way back to Syracuse for Caroline to get her time with him.
I think he definitely needed the break in the middle of his holiday; I know his past week has been nonstop "American food" aka unhealthy quick to make and eat stuff, and "American past times" like baseball games and amusement parks, so the relaxed two days of driving and little shopping was necessary. I'm almost glad that Gracie and I didn't try real hard to make "real" plans because chances are due to the rain, they would have gotten messed up anyway, and then what would we do? Probably the same things we ended up doing anyway.

Delightful two day break from the real world for me. Tomorrow it's potentially back to work (I'm waiting on a 10 am phone call), tons of food and family for the holday, and right back to the daily wake up, internship, shower, Sears, hang with Kyle, fall asleep on the couch routine.

Here's your moment of zen:

Wednesday, July 1

Commercial Photography

At intern today, I packed folders with samples and went to UPS to pick up the cover letter copies. Tomorrow I finish stuffing and begin shipping.

Also today, I did a pro-bono shoot for the Port Dickinson Police Department. They needed their badges photographed for large cut outs for the station that Mr. Doyle is putting together for them. I attempted shooting them once on the flat blue desktop with awful florescent lights gleaming every which way. After mutually deciding that they were no where good enough to reproduce, we set up today to shoot again, only this time with my ancient studio lights.
The difference was staggering.
I love helping out, don't get me wrong, but it was exhausting because it was so so hot upstairs in the fire department's meeting hall. I have felt cranky all day since, even though the shoot itself was totally fine. This back and forth weather is really starting to get to me.

Margarita time with the fam, obviously.

PS - tomorrow I get to pick up my Brit from KeetKeet and spend two days gallivanting Syracuse and Binghamton with him and a few of my lovies. I am pumped.