Thursday, February 3

Just a Few Things

Interview went.... quickly. Second shortest I've ever had. I hope on top of hope that I answered the questions with what they wanted. I was, however, humiliated when I pronounced his last name wrong. I sort of feel like that was a solid nail in my coffin. I also don't think I gave adequate insight into my personality when she asked me to "tell me a little bit more about myself." I didn't answer half as honestly as I would have in, say, the first day of class with a new professor sophomore year: "I'm Shanna, I love Andy Warhol, The Beatles, Ranch dressing, and Coca Cola. I shoot with Canon for digital and prefer toy cameras to actual "modern photography." I live and die for pop culture & I've recently started dating a woman."
No, no... I told her I recently graduated, some bullshit about my senior project, and how I've been running my own business since May. I hardly sound like someone fun I'd want to even hang out with, let alone hire. Fml.
Also, my pants and feet were frozen - I made a terrible decision of not wearing boots to the interview & instead chose sneakers. NYC happened to be under slushywater that day. Should have brought my snorkel too now that I think about it.

I'll hear back by tomorrow if they want me. I sent a thank you card, I hope it helps my odds. Seriously? I'd give my left arm (and that's the expensive tatted up one) for this opportunity.

Since then, I slept on my NYCboys' air mattress, accidentally got my heart set on moving across the hall from Tony, closed Berts for the last time, got to hang out with my Pretties for the first time in a long time, made a strawberry cake, missed out on a to-die-for pair of clearance boots at Burlington I had my eye on a week ago, had a dentist appointment to deal with my front teeth finally (and two days too late - super self conscious about it at my interview), drove my car into a snow bank and a mailbox in the frozen tundra of Central New York, got a receipt for donating to the Salvy for the first time ever, and made JiffyPop on the stove.

I'm super exciting. No wonder I felt so boring at my interview.

1 people like it sassy:

Anonymous said...

Being put on the spot during an interview [especially a NYC interview] has got to be so nerve racking! Even when I think to myself...when asked about my likes in general-I freeze up and can only think of lame small things [that don't set me a part from any other girl my age] instead of the unique likes and activities I enjoy so much.

You really should still be proud of yourself now that you have had two NYC interviews, Shanna! That is certainly more than most can say, completely including myself in that as well. And on that note, I really look up to for that. You have gone so out of your way to hunt for internships, employments, and your own business to get yourself out into the world.

You're one amazing artist!


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