Saturday, October 9

Yesterday I

- edited senior yearbook photos, emailed them, and made a follow up call to the school
- Shot 2 new seniors
- made 3 different bank deposits
- went grocery shopping (followed by waiting in line for 15 minutes. ridiculous.)
- attempted to visit EDropp at work & had the worst iced coffee ever.
- did the dishes, 2 loads of laundry, and folded said laundry
- made a salad and home made chex mix (which is beyond delish.)
- downloaded, LightRoom edited, and made proof sheets of the 2 new seniors
- and still managed to have a nice dinner with my family and get to bed at a decent hour
because today is just as full, but a bit more on the casual side. 
Rescheduled shoot with baby Harper in an hour,
hair appointment and a wine tasting tomorrow should round my weekend out just delightfully.
Hope everyone elses' weekend is busy and happy and allows for weather enjoyment as well.

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