Wednesday, August 25

woot small business!

Yes, I wore suspenders to my small business councelor meeting. What of it?

Meeting went so well! I had basic questions and got my basic answers, and an accountant referall, something I was nervous about. I am also pretty set on joining the September class - it's 3 Wednesdays, all day, and they have all sorts of speakers coming in such as lawyers, accountants and other successful small business owners. I think it'll definitely be the best $60 to invest in this business so far. 

Once those basics were covered, we discussed my marketing strategy (or lack thereof) and my need to revamp my branding before I start advertising. She gave me a bunch of questions I need to answer before I can move forward, otherwise I won't know what I'm moving forward to or from (would that make me go backwards?). I can't wait to start but I have a slew of other loose ends to tie up before focusing solely on the actual "business" side of work.

From there, I told her my immediate future plans and lack of private work space. She offered me her house, in exchange that I let her dog out in the afternoon when no ones home before work - ridiculous and totally feasible & loveable offer, something I definitely didn't expect to discuss during this meeting! I just might take her up on it. It'd give me somewhere to "go to work" every day, and it'd benefit her family. Can't really argue with an offer like that...

Bought some vanilla creamer (for my pending coffee addiction), blue staples & reorganized my entire desk, including the box of desk supplies just cluttering my space left over from school.  
I think I'm finally ready to take this seriously. 
This afternoon I'm going to the Humane Society shelter with Casey to find out about volunteering with the animals each week - a goal I've had for a few years now, and actually have the means to pursue finally.

Time to answer a few emails, apply for my EIN, take the KGB test for some randomass income, and shoot a call to my first boudoir client, promptly followed by as much attempt to wrap up the wedding edits as humanly possible before tomorrow.
How productive were you before noon?

2 people like it sassy:

Brittany said...

LOL take the KGB test for extra income, I love it because I've made $400 with ChaCha for the past two months and everyone laughs at my "extra income"!

Shanna McKay said...

how much does ChaCha pay? KGB is like 5-10 cents per answer or something, I passed I'm just waiting on confirmation. I don't sleep anymore, why not google for a few hours in the middle of the night and get paid for it? ha I like this plan.

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