So sorry for the lack of updates - I was in Maine for the past week, and while I want to tell you all every detail of the trip, I'm sort of exhausted with telling everyone stories in person. I will say I definitely needed the vacation, and it was so refreshing to see Kate again. The wedding was beautiful, the weather was beautiful, even the food all week was beautiful!
Coming home felt so good though. I missed my own bed. I missed my NY traffic (as opposed to the shit I put up with in the other states we traveled). I missed beer in my fridge (as opposed to being told they couldn't accept out of state IDs, they'd only serve under 25 at the concert, and having everyone do a double take to my ID ["You... don't look like this at all...? Did you dye and cut your hair or something?" well yes, actually, that photo is almost 2 years old... sorry I grew up.]).
Home is good. Always busy. I'm shooting the Miles Wedding tomorrow, with several smaller senior shots in the line up but none totally booked yet, as well as a children's shoot early next week. Still working out the kinks in a contract for September (which I'm glad I didn't share details about yet because it's been up in the air for a few weeks now...) I am scheduling a small business meeting with a counselor for sometime in the next 2 weeks and working out the legal/financial side of things that I haven't been able to navigate myself yet.
In other news - super random: I might become a part time semi professional house sitter? (Go figure, my favorite hobby is sitting.) Warren's contacted me about sitting again with the dog & cats while he's in Canters this fall. This will be a much more extended stay than last time, and I will certainly be able to freelance during the stay. This takes a whole lot of pressure off of looking for another "real" job this winter while I have no studio and will be struggling a bit to make photo ends meet. This summer has been pretty productive but not in a personal way - I still don't have a puppy and I still don't have any apartment prospects.
BUT there's a bright side! If I'm not paying rent, house sitting makes total sense because I won't be living in one place, and paying for another at the same time.
I have had another offer sort of on the table about sitting for a short vacation in Binghamton, but he hasn't gotten back to me yet. Good thing pets tend to like me, I like sitting houses with pets for me to play with and smother with attention and love.
In other other news - this weekend is looking to have great weather, so I'm wholeheartedly expecting inspiration everywhere, wrapped up with fun and popsicles (& kisses).
What have you all been up to?
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