Thursday, August 6


I am caught in a tough situation when it comes to how I feel about my photography. I look at half a million pictures a day, and all I can think is "it's been done before." But then I can't figure out how I'd personally make them any better if I took them. It's like, a world of cliches in photography, all just being repeated, and what kind of photographer do I want to be? Vintage. AKA taking pictures a way that's already been done. Over and over again. I don't know how to make something new, and still have myself in it.

and the school year hasn't even started yet, how depressing.

2 people like it sassy:

Tony said...

I will always like what you do. but i think we both know why. Cheer up, You are talented and I love you! dont make me come over there and smack you. :) love ya

jillylif said...

I always look for some kind of meaning in my own life when I am trying to figure out something creative. I have this thing about truth coming out in my photography, and usually I don't know that it has until I look back and see it. Everything that you do will be yours, because you can't stop yourself from making it that.

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