I just wanted to make a comment, just put it out there in the world.
I follow an adorable blog by the beautiful Naomi (whom I've never met, and can't for the life of me remember how I ever found her blog in the first place) - and as I've slacked in my catching up on blogs that aren't random Tumblr posts, I've taken tonight off from other social media to catch up on the people I consider friends that I've never met and would some day love to (read: Elsie, Miss James, and of course Taza herself) [or who I know&love and are far away: read: Mackenzie, Locatelli, and GracieLou].
Anyway, the point is, I finally got to reading this quick post by Naomi, and I must say... I'm so glad I "know" such positive people. Almost everything on her "what made my weekend not so good" list would have put me in such a funk, I'd be numb and unreachable & probably whiney for days. I can't even imagine those situations without my stomach tightening up and not being able to move past it so quickly. She's so positive, and her photos always lift my spirits. She can take her bad days and still find some optimism. I'm always mindblown and heart-warmed to read her posts, so I am relishing catching up on the (almost 2 months) I've fallen behind. I've missed all her baby girl posts, and I'm going to be honest here, I got really irritated when a bunch of the blogs I was following all "got pregnant" at the same time, because interesting people became baby-obsessed people, and I had to willingly neglect their posts; Naomi is the only one that stayed true to her personality, her full-life and not just pregnant life, and she continues to do so even post-baby. She's also adorable to boot - her and the baby, you pick.
You should follow her if you aren't already, and take a hit off that happy train. Modern life is tough, I hope to become a more positive person by taking her example - and I'm not going to be pushy but... couldn't we all use a bit more of that?
1 people like it sassy:
I'm sorry I've been neglecting reading YOUR lovely posts, Shanna, and also keeping up with my own blog.
I checked out Naomi's blog, and really adore it as well! Great find! The joys of finding more unique [positive] adventurers out there always feels good!
I hope all is well, lovely, I miss you SO, SO, MUCH!
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