In the last 2 weeks I have applied to 17 NYC jobs & internships, heard back from 2 that sound extra positive, and have to make one more super professional phone call this afternoon to a contact from Anita (I'm both scared to death that I'm going to screw this up, and ridiculously excited because he sounds amazing & fabulous).
This whole moving to NYC thing got very real Wednesday morning when I got a response back from Todd France saying he wants to meet me, and sending a list of "here's what you'd have to do at this job" which I over-qualify for to say the least (but in a really good way, like not over qualified and I'd be wasting my time, but it's all stuff I do so regularly for myself, that all I'd really need to learn is his system / routine for it all like Lightroom cataloging and blogging [things you don't think to put on a resume, huh?]). I have also gotten two follow up emails leading to a phone interview from a clothing company that I'm very torn about, but am in no position to pass up opportunities. I'm still waiting on a solid response back from a non-profit that has peaked my interest. Everything else is still floating around in email resume space.
Before it was like "Yeah, I'm planning on moving to the city by February. No, I don't have any money or job or apartment prospects, but I just want to go and do it." And now it's like "Well, I have one more phone interview, and then several in-person interviews that are less testing my talents and more finding out that I'm not a total creep before they officially hire me.... in mid-January, like two days after I'm back from Florida." Now I actually need to be on the hunt for apartments / roommate situations. Now I actually have real solid scheduled reasons to be there. Now is where normally I'd be going batshit insane.
My mind is a little blown, I'll admit that. But I'm not crazyanxious or crazynervous yet because I'm still just too excited that someone wants to hire me.
I have this insane impulse to go splurge on shoes and interview clothes, asap. Splurge, meaning, I have no money and my credit card misses me.
In other news, Snaggle as a medium-dog sized rawhide bone shoved halfway down her throat. Tiny dogs astound me. I'm pretty much ready to be done here, I have yet to feel settled or comfortable the way I was at Warren's (who, by the way, had me over for an excellent dinner the other night. It was really nice to sit down and catch up with them one more time before this life thing starts taking off).
I watched a preview for the new MTV SKINS finally last night - not impressed. Why did they keep the original season 1 storyline?? And if they insist on keeping half the characters the same, and the other half with simply changed names, where is Cassie? She's my favorite. And Chris is dead!!? Why bring him back Americanized?? I just don't know. Of course I'm going to watch the first episode just to see, but it's going to take a lot of convincing that this needed to be remade already.
We ruin all the good British shows.
And finally, I'm getting this tattooed on my arm as soon as possible:
(I've been literally saving my pennies, I pay for my tattoos with change)
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