Thursday, November 18

The Opposite of Nostalgia

Turns out there isn't a word for it.
I'm in a constant state of looking forward these days, because I'm not thrilled with the standstill I'm at right now, and there's so little I look back on and just pine for. 
There are things I miss - I miss Canterbury, I miss nights from Freshman year and nights from Senior year. I don't miss high school, I don't miss college itself, I don't miss much. 
I love post-grad.
But there's so much I look forward to, I can't wait for it to happen. 
I get happy because of things to come rather than things in the past. 

Currently, I'm sick of the rain / sleet / wind / gloom of Syracuse. 
I'm missing my camera and inspiration and creativity. 
I hate my hair cut and color, and I'm very seriously considering extensions. 
I just want to take pictures of pretty people, get some sun on my face, and to magically have my hair grow back.

I'm ready for a restart. 
Going to have to put the jump start on hold again, but more details on that in the near future. 
I can't complain, I'm just prenostalgic (yup, made my own word.)

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