The realization that this list is something that I feel compelled to do both frightens me to no end, and makes me really giddy.
Because my birthday falls on the same week that most people have already given up on their New Years Resolution list, I took a challenge from Miss Elsie Flannigan and put together a 22 before 23 list last year, and can proudly say I did nearly everything on it. It's more of a goals list rather than resolutions, and that's something I can feel good about working at.
Knowing it'll be here before I know it, and I'll be incredibly busy as soon as the New Year starts, I have started making my list today.
I have such a sincere excitement about my list this year, but I'm a little freaked out about the number 24. 22 is my favorite number, and as of January 13th, it's over. And 23 is still a relatively "young" sounding age. Honestly, 24 freaks me a little. I think I'll warm up to it throughout the year though. Cross fingers for me (or just tell me to suck it up.).
I have 6 things on my list, and 4 of them are conglomerate compounded goals. They make me smile real big.
Just sayin, you should probably look into making a goals list for yourself too; they keep me on track, and when I get bored and realize I have stuff to accomplish, I can refocus.
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