Friday, September 23


This is how I look and feel after a shoot gets rained out for the second time. I need a studio.

I instead went to get stuff to make smoothies because I remembered I had a Magic Bullet in the attic that I have never once opened up since it didn't make the cut of what we needed to move to the house (this, in retrospect, is one of the best accidents ever.)

I might as well be on the informercial, I'm so amazed by how this product works.
 Best invention ever. And one damn delicious mixed berry smoothie.
Oh, and like that nailpolish? Miss Manning sent the *best* post-flood carepackage to myself, Swayze, Casey, & the kitties. It included a brand new bed for Sway, catnip mice for the kitties, Bacardi, tequila in a skull, M&Ms, and this lovely Essie nailpolish (her favorite color):

GPOY for the day: over.


Living on my parents couch, with Swazye. Living, used loosely, but definitely not sleeping. I'm supposed to be sleeping on the couch too, but Swayze doesn't sleep well with all the commotion in the morning (not to mention any person, dog, bike or leaf that may be passing by any corner of the house), and the living room space just makes him bark like a fruitcake. I love the idea of saving some money on not paying rent or utilities, but I'm getting tired of not sleeping in a bed.

I went to a BU concert last night with some friends, all of which enjoy dubstep and dancing, so needless to say, I had a good time. Problem with electronica/dubstep, all that repetition is only enjoyable for long stretches of time if you're on copious amounts of drugs (and firsthand: probably 85% of the crowd was). We got about 2-3 rows from the dead center of the stage which was exciting because I don't usually go to concerts with people who want that like I do (crave, actually, if only for a few songs). 
Witnessed: 2 people doing lines of coke off a drivers license, 3 different people smoking spliffs in the center of the crowd, and a guy with a full-head horse mask on. 
On a solid note: Pretty Lights completely lives up to his name, the light show was delightful.  
I did, however, feel old. 23 going on 24 should not be old.

In other news, a senior photoshoot this afternoon, I'm hoping the rain doesn't ruin it (again) (as it has ruined everything else this month). I am planning on acquiring a vegan diet (not strict) once I move as it's impossible to do with Dads (delicious) cooking. [Note - I get to eat again! sort of nice to no longer be on the Ramen poor kid diet.] but in the meantime, I'm going to move salads into my lunches so I stop eating so much Arbys (you know you eat too much in the mall when the pizza guy starts your order as soon as you walk in, and on the walk back to work, the Arby's manager looks at you all fake-insulted and you have to lie and tell him you were getting lunch for your boss and you brought your lunch. Time for a change.) I need a new tattoo, I'm in serious withdrawl, so I'm looking into getting my side piece before Mexico (2 things in this sentence translate into: I need to go to the gym again, asap) (3 things if you count a few sentences back about all that Arbys). I wanted to get my chest piece next but I don't want to risk it in all the sun. (I miss the sun). I love fall, but I hate all this gloom that just hovers around Binghamton.

(I can't wait for October.)

Thursday, September 8

Flood Damage.

Having lived in Binghamton my whole life, I've never experienced severe flooding in my home personally. Surrounding areas and houses always have, but not my parents' house for some reason. My new house? Underground. Record flooding, beating out the flood of 2006 that left my graduation party one big mud puddle.

We just didn't see it coming. Our basement flooded, and the landlady got the sump pump going and we were fine. At 930, Casey and I went to bed because it was nearly dry again. At 1230, our friend down the street called and woke her up, asking her if we should evacuate. In our sleepy stupor we were thinking of course not.

Thankfully we parked across the street on slightly higher ground or our cars would have floated away. There was no driveway, no road in front of our house, no backyard.... it was all one big river, knee deep. I checked the basement, and watched as our dryer sunk under the rising water, and the washing machine tipped over and promptly sunk next to it. Casey swam/jogged through the basement to the breaker box while I packed overnight bags and the animals. (Side note: this was a hilarious event, as she was doing it in just a tshirt and thong, I couldn't help but laugh at her while I held the flashlight from the top stairs). I took the kitties and Sway to my parent's house, and Casey went with Matt to his parents a few towns over. Last I heard they're fine, and made it back to work at the Children's Home this morning.

Swayze is .. jittery. He took a while to settle and sleep on the couch with me, and when I touched him hend in e jumped a little. The cats... well they haven't adjusted at all and are not getting along with Sousa. He can't stand all of these pets invading his space. Swayze took direction well, and didn't bark or freak out while trying to get across the road, he was my brave little fluff.

We potentially can't get back to the house for days, the emergency travel ban is on an hourly basis with no end in sight. Not sure if I can get home for my own computer this afternoon before the next wave of rain...

On the bright side - we're fine. And sorta dry for the time being. Keep you guys posted <3