Monday, July 26


Constantly busy!
I'm so sorry for the huge blog hiatus my fellow slackers (ok, just the better part of 2 weeks, but believe you me, I've been blogging since 2002 and haven't missed this many days in a row since I started, so I feel like it's been forever). 

I have spent the last 2ish days sort of catching up on my favorite blogs, and for some surreal visual inspiration and adorable motivation, I must highly suggest Miss Mackenzie's blog, Strokes of Serendipity. She's super crafty, and hilariously enough, we've been following the same blogs for quite some time, as I have been a creep and went back to her first post and have been working my way to the present for 2 days now, and she has pictures posted from back when I first saw them on other blogs too (up to 2 years ago!). Wicked cute. (Not to mention she's my long lost soul mate.) Check her out.

Tomorrow, first thing in the morning my dolls, I will give you a life update (as my past few weeks have been too much fun to keep to myself!), and then I have to promptly hit the road to Connecticut to see Miss Kate Sculley for a few days of unbridled adventure, full of outdoor concerts, fresh fresh fresh seafood along the coast, a private lake (and hopefully daaays of sunshine), all culminating with a wedding of an old college friend. [Whoa run-on sentence.] In the meantime, I need to edit a few more pictures of Brooke from a recent senior shoot while waiting for my laundry to dry, and then get to sleep.

Sweet dreams sweeties

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