I don't do mornings well, even if I've had a solid amount of sleep. Bare with me for this haphazard post, ok?
Where did I leave off??
Jill wrecked her car about a week ago, and out of panic I flew to Rome for one quick night visit. I couldn't stay long because I had 2 photo shoots the very next day. On the bright side, when I drove back through Rt 13 on my way home, the trailer full of old vinyl was still there, so I was able to pick up another box of treasure.
Thursday saw me shooting senior portraits with Brooke, an old high school friend's little sister (who's a senior! insta-old feeling.) - she is gorgeous and was super charming to work with. Even though she technically purchased my lowest package, I'll probably spoil her with extras because she took soooo many fantastic shots. I'm almost done editing them, and I need to finish before I hit the road this afternoon.
Later that afternoon was shoot #2 for Joe, another practice shoot for me prior to full-photo employment in the fall. It was ungodly hot and I had some issues with a milkshake.
Friday...I'm sure stuff happened.
Saturday was the Old Timer's Yankee game in the city. Another scorcher of a day, but thankfully we had air conditioned seats in the Audi Club (it isn't cheap, but it's luxury baseball viewing, I felt so spoiled all day long) - there's a buffet, all you can eat seafood (classy food) and hotdogs (stadium food). You even got your own waitress for drinks, it's a little unreal. We ended up losing, but it was still a delightful trip as I hadn't been to the new stadium yet.
Sunday... more stuff? My memory doesn't work this early.
Monday I finally had a face to face with Kyle. I'm still up in the air as to how it went, but we're going to try the friends thing. Admittedly I have to make the next move, but I've been so busy it's been ridiculously tough this summer to even really be staying in contact with my other home friends, let alone none of which I was dating previously. However, I did pick up my desk from the apartment and I have a work space - my desk looks all profesh and photo-production-ready. Makes my work flow so much easier.
Later that night was shopping with Casey and sushi with Amy. Discovered the bar Belmar in Binghamton that I'd never attended before - it was a dimmly lit, homey establishment. I am looking forward to more visits.
Tuesday was a Joe shoot, and nothing else really.
Wednesday was supposed to be another shoot for Joe but it got cancelled, so I headed to Rome a little early. Over the next few days, Jill and I took it easy with a ton of RedBox and Netflix movies. Thursday we had sushi with Mike and attended Trexx with a bunch of Caz Lovlies. It was so nice to see some of the kiddies again, however it just made us feel like the "old kids" all over again (maybe it was just me, residual from the Brooke shoot).
Saturday I ended up in Syracuse early, shopping with Lauren for Casey's party later that night. We never found anything, but I did get some wicked sunglasses for $1 from H&M.
Later that night, we were joined by Christine (Laur's roommate), Mike & Casey at the new apartment (which is stunning for the price they're getting), and a whooole lot of drinking ensued. I've never ridden in a taxi in America before (only in Europe) so that was a new adventure as no one wanted to be DD (and why would we? Casey's birthday is like more fun than a calendar holiday). We had plans to go all out in Armory Square and end up riding the bull at Daisy Dukes, but sadly we only made it to 2 bars before we discovered the extent of some of our friend's pregaming ;)
I did, however, help a guy win a bet and got a free shot out of it. It's the little things.
[Yes, that's Micheal's puke. Yes, that's a bird eating it the next morning.]
Got back to the apartment and had a really long, really cathartic heart to heart with Casey after everyone else went to sleep. After getting Dunkin the next morning, I was on my way back to Binghamton.
And I've literally been here 48 hours and I'm off again.
This afternoon I leave for Connecticut, where I will whisk the one and only Kate MotherEffin Sculley away for a coastal adventure for the week. I want to say I'll keep everyone updated, but I really don't think I can - I don't believe anywhere we'll be staying has internet, and I have very little desire to tote my compy around for the week.
And considering I haven't been keeping updates short and fresh at all lately anyway, you probably won't miss anything at all.
See you next week, kiddies!!
Have some of your own adventures, I'd love to hear about them!!