Tuesday, February 25

Still Alive.

I walked away from this blog a long time ago. Not really intentionally, I just didn't find time any longer to be sitting on my computer. I began dedicating my downtime elsewhere; finding less and less downtime to actually work with. 
I am foggy a lot of the time, I spend a lot of time wondering what I'm doing wrong. Missing my charmed life. Or maybe it still is, and I've fallen out of touch. Life is difficult. And I have so few reasons to feel down. I just regularly get a moping depressive cloud over me. 
And I'm trying to let it go, trying to find reasons to smile, but I'm bad at embracing the small things. I'm bad at not reverting back to being a depressive person. It's in my nature and I'm not strong enough to always push it aside. But I'm trying. 
No one will ever say I didn't try. 
Making all of the pieces come together is a daily challenge.

So I'm not saying I'm back. But I am saying hi, maybe I'll try here again too. Maybe this would help. 
Because no one reads this anymore... so maybe here's where I start over.

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